
Artificial Intelligence Researcher

Raúl Pérula-Martínez

Artificial Intelligence Researcher



Cognitive Systems Research (Q3)


Bioinspired Decision-Making for a Socially Interactive Robot

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Álvaro Castro-González, María Malfaz, and Miguel A. Salichs


12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)

Vienna, Austria, March 6-9, 2017

Autonomy in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios for Entertainment [PDF]

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Álvaro Castro-González, María Malfaz, and Miguel A. Salichs



Barcelona, Spain, July 4-6, 2016

ProtoCREA: A Robot to Teach Them All

Félix R. Cañadillas, Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Verónica González, Miguel A. Salichs, and Carlos Balaguer


RoboCity16. Robots for Citizens

Madrid, Spain, May 26-27, 2016

A Review on How to Easily Program Robots at High School [PDF]

Verónica González, Félix R. Cañadillas, Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Miguel A. Salichs, and Carlos Balaguer


XXXVI Jornadas de Automática

Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao, Spain, September 2-4, 2015

Estado de la Tecnología en Robótica Educativa para la Educación Secundaria [PDF]

Verónica González, Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Félix R. Cañadillas, Miguel A. Salichs, and Carlos Balaguer


10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)

Portland, USA, March 2-5, 2015

Improving the expressiveness of a social robot through luminous devices [PDF]

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Esther Salichs, Irene P. Encinar, Álvaro Castro-González, and Miguel A. Salichs


Journal of Intelligent and Robotics Systems (Q3)


Developing Educational Printable Robots to Motivate University Students Using Open Source Technologies [PDF]

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Juan Miguel García-Haro, Carlos Balaguer, and Miguel A. Salichs


13th workshop Robocity2030. Robots para los ciudadanos

University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain, September 27, 2013

Modelado e Implementación de un robot de entretenimiento para competición [PDF]

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Juan Miguel García-Haro, and Abdulla Al-Kaff


13th workshop Robocity2030. Robots para los ciudadanos

University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain, September 27, 2013

Diseño de un robot móvil como mascota robótica de entretenimiento para personas con discapacidad [PDF]

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Abdulla Al-Kaff, and Juan Miguel García-Haro


II Congreso de Actividades Académicamente Dirigidas (CAADE 2011)

University of Cordoba, Spain, April 13, 2011

Algoritmos cuánticos en criptografía y distribución de claves en espacio libre [PDF]

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, and Pedro A. Gutiérrez Peña


II Congreso de Actividades Académicamente Dirigidas (CAADE 2011)

University of Cordoba, Spain, April 13, 2011

Diseño de un controlador PID en NXT OSEK para el autoequilibrado de un robot sobre dos ruedas [PDF]

Manuel Pedrero-Luque, Raúl Pérula-Martínez, and José M. Palomares Muñoz

European and Spanish Projects


European Union Seventh Framework Program

MOnarCH - Multi-Robot Cognitive Systems Operating in Hospitals FP7-ICT-2011-9-601033 [Website]

The MONARCH project focus is on social robotics using networked heterogeneous robots and sensors to interact with children, staff, and visitors, engaging in edutainment activities in the pediatric infirmary at the portuguese oncology institute at Lisbon (IPOL), Portugal.


European Union

RoboCity2030-III-CM (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. fase III; S2013/MIT-2748) [Website]

RoboCity2030 is the biggest robotic long term cluster in Europe working since 2006. The consortium is formed by the six leading R&D centres of Madrid with more than 100 researchers in the field, half of them being PhDs. It is funded by the Community of Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the European Union.


Spanish Government

Applications of Social Robots National Project [Website]

This project is focused on the development of social robots involving the specific design of this kind of robots, the perception systems, decision-making systems, or the human-robot interaction.


European Union Seventh Framework Program

HANDLE - Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation FP7-ICT-2007-3-231640 [Website]

The HANDLE project aims at understanding how humans perform the manipulation of objects in order to replicate grasping and skilled in-hand movements with an anthropomorphic artificial hand, and thereby move robot grippers from current best practice towards more autonomous, natural and effective articulated hands.


Course 2022-2023

European University of Madrid (UEM)

- Módulo 5. Modelos predefinidos: Reconocimiento de voz, sentimiento e imágenes. Master in Data Science. (3 ECTS)

Course 2021-2022

European University of Madrid (UEM)

- TFMs tutor. Master in Big Data. (6 ECTS)
- Módulo 8. Ejecución de Proyectos Agile. Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Organización, Dirección de Proyectos y Empresas. (3 ECTS)

Course 2020-2021

European University of Madrid (UEM)

- Módulo 8. Ejecución de Proyectos Agile. Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Organización, Dirección de Proyectos y Empresas. (3 ECTS)

Course 2017-2018

University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

- Informática Industrial II (Industrial Computer Science II). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- Robótica (Robotics). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- TFG Tutor. Desarrollo de Actividades en Robótica Educativa. Victor Jimenez Bermejo. Desarrollo de una Electrónica Integrada para Robots Educativos, Fernando Landrove Castellanos.

Course 2016-2017

University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

- Informática Industrial II (Industrial Computer Science II). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- Robótica (Robotics). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)

Course 2015-2016

University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

- Informática Industrial II (Industrial Computer Science II). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- Robótica (Robotics). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)

Course 2014-2015

University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

- Informática Industrial II (Industrial Computer Science II). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- Robótica (Robotics). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- Rapid prototyping and use of 3D printers. Master in Robotics and Automation. (2 ECTS)
- TFG Tutor. Navegación robusta de un robot social mediante fusión sensorial, Eduardo Sánz Ruzafa.

Course 2013-2014

University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

- Informática Industrial II (Industrial Computer Science II). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- Robótica (Robotics). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- Rapid prototyping and use of 3D printers. Master in Robotics and Automation. (2 ECTS)
- Design and Printing of 3D Parts with Open Source Tools. Master in Robotics and Automation. (2 ECTS)
- Organización de Computadores (Computers Organization). Computer Science Engineering Degree. 3rd year. (6 ECTS)
- TFG Tutor. - Desarrollo de una librería para control de colonia de mini-robots, María Blázquez Partido, [GitHub](https://github.com/raulperula/rpc_robot_colony). Diseño, Construcción y Puesta en Marcha de una Impresora 3D Modelo ROSTOCK, Miguel Ponce Antolín.

Course 2012-2013

University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

- Ingeniería de Control (Control Engineering). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering. 3rd year. (6 ECTS)
- Ingeniería de Control (Control Engineering). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering. 3rd year. (6 ECTS)
- Organización de Computadores (Computers Organization). Computer Science Engineering Degree. 1st year. (6 ECTS)
- Informática Industrial (Industrial Computer Science). Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering. 4th year. (6 ECTS)
- TFG Tutor. Desarrollo de un sistema de telepresencia robótica con Oculus Rift, Enrique Ruíz-Medrano García, [GitHub](https://github.com/raulperula/oculus_rift).

Conferences & Workshops




RoboticAula workshop

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Verónica González, Juan M. García-Haro, Pablo Marín
Third edition. One-day workshop. The goal of the workshop was to introduce high-school students in robotics. In this way, they had to solve a simple problem in a specific time using Arduino.


Congreso Internacional de Tecnología y Turismo para todas las Personas


Speaker at the Robotics round table

Raúl Pérula-Martínez
Organized by Fundación ONCE. Speaker at the round table about robotics, centered in Socially Interactive and Educational robots.


TECNOCAMP 2017, Una Experiencia de Acercamiento a la Ingeniería


Acercamiento a la ingeniería en inglés, Robótica

Raúl Pérula-Martínez
Talk about how robotics and 3D printers can be used in our daily life.




RoboticAula workshop

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Verónica González, Juan M. García-Haro, Pablo Marín
Second edition. Two-days workshop. The goal of the workshop was to introduce high-school students in robotics. In this way, they had to solve a simple problem in a specific time using Arduino.



University Carlos III of Madrid

Multiple Talks & Workshops

Raúl Pérula-Martínez
Second edition. Two-days workshop. The goal of the workshop was to teach students in other topics than related to basic subjects they learn in the career. In this way, there were talks, demonstrations, and practical classes.




RoboticAula workshop

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, Verónica González, Juan M. García-Haro, Pablo Marín
One-day workshop. The goal of the workshop was to introduce high-school students in robotics. In this way, they had to solve a simple problem in a specific time using Arduino.



University Carlos III of Madrid

Multiple Talks & Workshops

Raúl Pérula-Martínez
Two-days workshop. The goal of the workshop was to teach students in other topics than related to basic subjects they learn in the career. In this way, there were talks, demonstrations, and practical classes.



University Carlos III of Madrid

Arduino + Robots workshop

Raúl Pérula-Martínez
One-day workshop. The goal of the workshop was to introduce all ages students in robotics. In this way, they had to solve a simple problem in a specific time using Arduino.



University Carlos III of Madrid

Introduction to robotics with Arduino workshop

Raúl Pérula-Martínez, and Juan M. García-Haro
Half-day workshop. The goal of the workshop was to introduce all ages students in robotics. In this way, they had to solve a simple problem in a specific time using Arduino.

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